Web Radio Boom Box Part II

26 Feb

<< Web Radio Boom Box Part I

In my previous post, I mentioned getting a new motherboard. I’ve just uploaded new photos with more details on the current status of the project.

The new motherboard is Mini-ITX with a 1GHz processor. For a power solution, I got a picoPSU-120 and a 6.6A brick converter to go with it. It’s a clean and elegant solution that keeps the wires in the case at a bare minimum and makes for much more free space. I’ll now have room to put two full size speakers in it.

Not mentioned in the previous post: Damn Small Linux is set up to connect to a network and start playing music on boot. Using Monkey web server and PHP, I created an interface that allows someone to pick any shoutcast station and control the media player, XMMS. The audio plays to some PC speakers I’ve connected until I get a small speaker amp and some decent speakers to install.

4 Responses to “Web Radio Boom Box Part II”

  1. joel May 16, 2006 at 3:16 pm #

    dude this is the most inovative thing ive seen in a wial if you can beat linksys in their race to make a network web raido you could sell a patent for big mula hay i would buy one

    to solve your space problem get a biger stero you dont have to make it portibol just make it work
    in a coupel of years everything will be smaller and you can make a portibel one then
    let me know when you’ve perfected it and made it cost under 300 follers and ill buy the first one!

  2. joel May 16, 2006 at 3:17 pm #

    sory it dollors not follers

  3. John August 11, 2006 at 11:18 am #

    ha ha. it’s Nice:))

  4. Mike Gandy July 14, 2008 at 3:57 pm #

    Man where did you come up with such an idea to make your on web radio boom box. Sound pretty cool has the cost been more then what you would pay to purchase one at a store?

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